artist in residence

creativity - the secret to a happy life

This community was born out of the need of artists to come together virtually,  learn from teachers, and support each other, regardless of their experience level in art.    We found that many people prefer not to or are unable to leave their houses to attend live classes, and virtual classes are the perfect solution.

We are a cooperative between students and teachers - so that means that any money we make over and above paying our teachers and staff goes directly into hiring more teachers.  That way our programs can continue to grow and become more enriching.

our philosophy

we believe in you

So many art programs assume that you have an art education and advanced knowledge.  We believe that everyone's art is valid, if you create, you belong here.   No matter when in your life you decided to pick up a pencil or a brush, we are here for you.

While we focus on hand made art, we also welcome digital artists.

Whether you are a beginner or a professional, your art is an important place of self expression, and we are here to encourage you.  The most important thing is our support of each other in our individual journeys.

we believe

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

meet your new artist friends!

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